Sigma Chi Zeta Lambda
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After KSU it was off to Michigan State University graduate school for a couple of masters degrees focused on geography, urban planning, and parks and recreation administration. Progressed through a round of career evolutions (including a two-year run as a KSU professor) and ultimately started an urban planning career in central Michigan communities with a concentration on community development. Specialties included brownfield redevelopment (20 sites cleaned and redeveloped), master planning for towns and parks, solar and wind energy, and National Water Trail work on our local river. In my volunteer world, I have constructed 10 kayak launches and led three reforestation projects. Mostly laid back for now with an extended family, but still involved with environmental care for the river.

Favorite ΣΧ memory
They were all so good–our polished choir during Mayfest, or whatever that event was called, the Pink Panther float construction (arguably the best float in KSU parade history), our pledge raid on the house that included electrifying all the bedroom door handles and releasing a smoke bomb (we were caught when a brother in the middle of winter jumped out a second floor bedroom window in his skivvies into a snow pile), our academic record especially my pledge class with a 3.6 gpa, the afterglow gatherings reflecting on the night of partying (toga parties, the bathtub beverage/fish bowl (no harm to the fish) dance, the Irish wake and barn rental free-for-alls and so many more memories with ample attributes that require no revisionist historic retellings.