
Time to reignite your brotherhood!
We are currently reaching out to all brothers from the Zeta Lambda chapter of Sigma Chi and we need to hear from you. Our outreach is to facilitate the largest gathering of sigma chi’s ever assembled in Kent, Ohio.
EVENT – A formal celebration to mark the 56th anniversary of the Zeta Lambda chapter of Sigma Chi. The original plan was to celebrate this as our 55th but due to Covid, we were forced to push back a year. With that said, we’re ready to roll in 2021.
PURPOSE – To allow brothers that have lost contact with each other through the years to rekindle friendship and brotherhood and talk about all of the amazing things that are happening with Zeta Lambda.
DATES – October 22–24, 2021
LOCATION – Kent, Ohio.
- Current hotel block is at the KSU Hotel (Use code: SIGCHI). Call the hotel directly at (330) 346-0100 to reserve.
- Hampton Inn – $89/night Reservations can be made online or by phone (330) 673-8555.
The dinner will be held at:
Underwood Banquet Hall
1945 Mogadore Road
P.O. Box 308
Kent Ohio 44240
Friday, October 22nd
- 6pm – Zeta Lambda Open House
Saturday, October 23rd
- 11am – Community Service Event (Alumni & Undergraduates)
- 11am – Tour of the Fashion Museum for significant others and guests
- 2–5pm – Free Time/Open House
- 6–10pm – 55th Celebration Dinner
Dinner Choices
Light Appetizers: Small plates
Dinner Buffet: Grilled Chicken, Roast Beef, Mixed Vegetable, Rigatoni w/ Meat and Meatless sauce
Desert: Variety of Items
An open bar of Beer, Wine, and various Non-Alcoholic Drinks included
One 55th Celebration Memento is included in the price of 2 as well as the single ticket price (Additional available for purchase at the event)
- Dinner for Two – $75.00
- Dinner for One – $40.00
- Supplement an Undergrad Meal – $25 Donation minimum please
Sunday, October 24th
- 10 am – White Rose Ceremony at the Cross (238)
Help us find you! Right now we have a team comprised of brothers from every decade of Zeta Lambda’s history canvassing the web and phones to bring every single brother back to Kent for this event. If we have not contacted you yet, please reach out to us via email so we can ensure your participation.
We are also compiling an alumni bio section for the website. Click here to submit yours and we’ll see you in October!
Alumni Chapters
This section has been created to help Zeta Lambda Sigs around the world reconnect and renew the bonds of brotherhood. We will be utilizing existing social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn to help keep you connected with your brothers.
Below are some local Alumni groups in Cleveland, Akron, and Central Ohio. If you are not in these areas, the national database is also listed.
Akron Alumni
Cleveland Alumi
Central Ohio Alumni
National Alumni