Sigma Chi Zeta Lambda

About Us

Over 50 years of brotherhood at Kent State!

“Men join Fraternities, leaders of men join Sigma Chi.”

– John Wayne, USC 1929

Our brotherhood has its roots in the collegiate experience and engenders a lifelong commitment to strive to achieve true friendship, equal justice for all and the fulfillment of learning as part of our overall responsibilities to the broader communities in which we live.

The Zeta Lambda Chapter of Sigma Chi at Kent State University was founded over 50 years ago and with each passing year, our fraternity grows stronger. The reason for this is because our brothers do not see this fraternity as a party playground, a way to pay for friends, or any other stereotype assigned to us. IT IS A BROTHERHOOD. A EX brother will be there at any time of the day (or night) when help is needed; your shoulder to lean on throughout your college career as well as in your life down the road.

Kent State RockDiversity is also a main part of Sigma Chi. We believe that a brotherhood among members with different temperaments, talents, and convictions is stronger than a brotherhood among members with identical traits. In Sigma Chi, you are your own individual. Your pledgeship is not a time where we train you to act like us, talk like us, or be like us. Each brother contributes to the running of the chapter in their own special way.

Sigma Chi’s endeavor to lead by example. Through the years brothers have held many positions on Senate, IFC, and many other organizations on campus. Each year our chapter holds a week-long philanthropy known as Derby Days, raising money for the Huntsman Cancer Foundation. And each year we spend considerable time focused on other charitable causes. For example, one year the chapter invited all other fraternities and sororities to join together to help build a playground at Longcoy Elementary School. It is through this involvement with Greek and Non-Greek activities that we represent the foundation of this fraternity.

But words are only words, and nothing more…
If you are interested in finding out more about us, come see us. We’d love to meet you!

History of Zeta Lambda

In February of 1962, the Chi Sigma Colony was founded at Kent State University, under the guidance of the Akron Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi, the faculty adviser William Weidner (who was a Sigma Chi himself), and under the close supervision of the Grand Praetor of the Northern Ohio Province. The colony’s expressed purpose was that of petitioning Sigma Chi for an active charter. Elected president of the colony (as of yet not University recognized) was Ron Isle. The organization was patterned after that of an active Sigma Chi Chapter, including the names of the officers and general chapter structure and proceedings.

On October 29th of that same year, Chi Sigma petitioned Kent State University’s I.F.C. for University recognized colony status. This status was soon granted and the Colony flourished, participating in all I.F.C. functions (Homecoming, Campus Day, etc.) leading all fraternities academically, holding its own Sweetheart Ball, and sponsoring its own Penny Carnival to benefit handicapped children.

On March 25, 1964 Chi Sigma’s status was upgraded from Colony status to Fraternity status by the KSU I.F.C. These men continued to excel in all aspects of campus life and demonstrated their ability to effectively govern themselves, and as a result an active Sigma Chi Charter was granted on the 26th day of September, 1965.

Chapter Officers

Alex Jeffers


Nathan Jagodzinski


Jake Mitrisin

Risk Manager

Darin Wyant


Tristian Griffth

Community Service Chairman

Tristian Pearl

Pro Consul

Tristian Tracy

Recruitment Chairman

Antonio Nestico

IFC Representative

Nick Linder

Sports Chairman

Kyle Koynock

Fundraising Chairman

Zane Zook


Ricky DiTurno

Philanthropy Chairman

Leon Bragg

House Manager

Michael Shorts

Social Chairman

Jiryes Zakaib

Apparel Chairman

Ethan Donely


Nikolas McDole

Philanthropy Chairman

Dylan Stanton

Scholarship Chairman

Leon Bragg

Legal Chairman

Jiryes Zakaib

Event Planning Chairman

Max Mrugacz


Jacob Flask


Cole Stanley

Brotherhood Chairman

Kevin Linder

Public Relations

Jacob LaCarubba


There is a difference